Time and the Way We Think
Consciousness Polarization Theory suggests that the infinitely unique way in which we all perceive time is caused by a TIME SIGNATURE that we acquire at the moment of birth. Since relative gravity impacts time even at the slightest movement, our “first breath” of interaction with the cosmic vibration of light is a mathematical function of our location on the planet and the location of all other planets in the solar system (which validates various aspects of ancient astrology). This exclusive TIME SIGNATURE is the constant which allows us to have a relative perception of time, much like the speed of light is the constant that allows relativity in the world of matter. Our TIME SIGNATURE is our metaphysical “fingerprint”, the hidden variable what differentiates us from one another in the metaphysical world, much like our DNA is the variable that differentiates us from one another in the physical world.
Consciousness Polarization Theory suggests that consciousness is electromagnetically polarized - that is, we have some kind of vibrational signature that determines our unique relationship to Time. This TIME SIGNATURE determines our CONSCIOUS POLARITY on an infinitely subtle spectrum of conscious existence. The theory demonstrates that our core, the consciousness of every human is either negatively polarized or positively polarized, classifying them as a “Wisey” or a “Smartie”, respectively. One of the most detectible differences between Wiseys and Smarties is the manner with which they use REASON to make DECISIONS and direct their WILL power. This difference also reflects in their spoken language:
Wiseys are people who generally use concrete reasoning to make decisions. When they mean what they say literally, their language becomes concrete.
Smarties are people who generally use abstract reasoning to make decisions. When they mean what they say literally, their language becomes abstract.
Let’s understand why. The difference between concrete reasoning and abstract reasoning is rooted in TIME. Concrete reasoning is quantitative. It deals with tangible objects and data that exists in the present moment; we can sense, measure and act upon them. Abstract reasoning is qualitative. It deals with timeless ideas that cannot be accurately measured or sensed directly. As a result, concrete reasoning generally requires the use of mental pictures and other sensory data to be produced by the imagination, while abstract reasoning does not – instead, it uses literal language (words) to describe invisible concepts.
The difference between mental pictures and literal thoughts is, too, rooted in TIME. All our mental senses (the imagination) are stationary in time; that is, we perceive them in the present moment. When you see a mental picture, you receive all the data at once. Literal thoughts travel in time – they require time to pass in order for the data to be processed. In reality, the IMAGINATION is being produced by the negative polarity of the mind, that is always stationary in time, and creates the PRESENT. Our THOUGHTS are produced by the positive polarity of the mind, which always travels in time, and creates our sense of PAST and FUTURE.
The core difference between Wiseys and Smarties is caused by the way they perceive TIME. We can say that if the average rhythm of time on planet earth (since time differs depends on where you are) is the midpoint of the spectrum, Wiseys’ TIME SIGNATURE causes them to generally perceive time to move FASTER than it actually does on our planet, and Smarties’ TIME SIGNATURE causes them to generally perceive time to move SLOWER than it actually does on our planet:
Our mental patterns are established since toddlerhood. The faster our perception of time, the more the mind is conditioned to use mental pictures to process logic, since a mental picture delivers more information in less time, which allows us to do more and think less. The slower our perception of time, the more time we think we have, and our mind is conditioned to use literal words to process logic, which takes more time but allows us to process a “bigger picture” (which is always less concrete).
The terms “Smarts” and “Wisdom” as defined here originate from the corresponding words in Hebrew (Chochma and Bina, which represent the two polarities of the mind as reflected on the Tree of Life, which is a diagram depicting the mechanism of the human mind). The difference between Smarts and Wisdom can be pointed to TIME. Smarts can be acquired by learning an abstract body of knowledge using literal language. Literal information is digested using words over time – reading books or watching educations videos on YouTube, for example. Wisdom is acquired only through concrete experience, which is obtain in the present moment. This is why the old are usually wiser than the young, but not necessarily smarter. Wisdom is sometimes referred to as “street smarts”. You can read all the books about Ping Pong that you want, and be really smart about the game; but if you want to be a successful player, you must grab a paddle and start playing, which is the only way you’ll gain wisdom. The more intellect we have, smarter we are. The more experience we have, wiser we are. Someone can be very smart but not very wise, and vice versa. In Metaphysics, the union of smarts and wisdom is called “knowing”, or “consciousness” (Da’at in Hebrew).
This difference between Wiseys and Smarties impacts the way they speak, they manner with which they remember, the way they make decisions and even their personal philosophies. When it comes to politics, for example, Wiseys tend to support more conservative viewpoints (and vote for right-wing candidates), while Smarties tend to go after more liberal ideas (and vote for left wing candidates). Wiseys also tend to be more religious, while Smarties tend to be more secular.
Understanding the difference in mental conditioning between Wiseys and Smarties allows us to understand each other better as humans. Upon closer look we realize that our relationship to time dictates our thought patterns, emotional balance, and even sexual tendencies! Exposing the CONSCIOUS POLARIZATION as the core variable that separates humans from each other on a metaphysical level has the potential to bridge the increasingly growing tension between men and women, the religious and the secular, between conservative and liberal point of views, and between democratic and nationalist social orders. CTP bridges the gap between the physical and the metaphysical, between science and theology, and reveals what our forefathers have told us time and time again –
That all humans were created equal, and that our physical differences are but a unique expression of one single metaphysical image.
Next: CPT - A deeper Dive
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