Article ID: CRIORG.article.009
v3.0, final version (post scribe)
Published: Sunday, May 15th 2022
Batat, Erez

Article 009: Cannabis Polarization Theory
The Bi-Polar Nature of Cannabis and the Impact of THC on Human Mental Qualia


Cannabis Polarization Theory attempts to point to empiric patterns in the shift of mental qualia that is experienced when ingesting cannabis that includes Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC. That is, changes in the faculties of the IMAGINATION, REASONING abilities, MEMORY, sensory acuteness and more).

While the THC molecule is identical in both Sativa and Indica strain types, the entourage effect causes dramatic differences in the impact to mental qualia from one strain type to another, resulting in the generic preference most cannabis users have for either sativa or indica hybrid strains. Cannabis polarization theory claims that there is order in the seemingly chaotic list of symptoms experienced. The theory explains how the high is generated, and points to the bi-polar nature of the plant which allows us to somewhat predict how each strain will impact each ARCGENDER of consciousness, due to the bi-polar nature of the human mind (see Article 005 – Mind Polarization Theory).

The theory demonstrates the relative shift of cannabis on the bi-polar spectrum of memory, reason, and the imagination. The theory explains why each type of hybrid strains – sativa or indica – will cause different mental phenomena in each ARCGENDER - an ABSTRACTOLITERALIS or a CONCRETOLITERALIS - and how we can sometimes predict how mild or extreme their impact will be. 

The theory also lists the role of cannabis as a tool for consciousness research, how to tag cannabis according to the impact on mental qualia, the issues with strain patenting and the role of cannabis as medicine for acute mental phenomena. Lastly, it points to the important role cannabis has in the treatment of both ABSTRACTOLITERALIS and CONCRETOLITERALIS autistics.

Terms that have special meaning in astrometaphysics are written in CAPITAL LETTERS. For a dictionary of astrometaphysical terms see Article 010. articles are usually free; we believe that it is the birthright of every human to know how the human mind operates. To download all 10 articles included in Consciousness Polarization Theory as one file, click here.