CPT - A Deeper Dive

In it’s core, Consciousness Polarization Theory (CPT) suggests the following axioms, divided in to three areas – the nature of reality, the structure of the mind, and the polarization of human consciousness:

The Nature of Reality

1)     The is an empiric structure to the metaphysical mechanism that creates our conscious perception of reality. All matter, and all living beings, are created in one metaphysical image. That empiric structure is enabled by the variations in our conscious perception of Time and Space.

2)     There is no matter, and all is alive. The entire physical universe is a holographic illusion projected by the collective and individual minds, much like all leaves on a tree are connected to the same roots, and all roots are connected to the same Earth. Our individuated SUBJECTIVE REALITY is projected to us on top of a collective OBJECTIVE REALITY that is shared amongst all living beings.

3)     There are only two components that make the cosmos. The first is light; The second is consciousness, which is the engine that translates light particles in various amplitudes, wavelengths and density levels into perceived physical and metaphysical phenomena. Simply put – when we open our eyes, we are looking inward, not outward.

The Structure of the Mind

4)     Our perception of reality is a product of a sexual union between two minds, not one – A Feminine mind (Eve) that travels in Space and is stationary in Time, and a Masculine Mind (Adam) that travels in Time and is Stationary in Space. These minds function differently and serve different purposes. All mental phenomena, thus, can be divided to that which is present in time (Imagination – the five mental senses) versus that which travels in time (thoughts – the mental expression of literal language, which is reserved to humans.

5)     Eve creates our illusory perception of SPACE by generating SENSATIONS, which are always experienced in the PRESENT moment. Adam creates our illusory perception of TIME by generating literal THOUGHTS, which allow the conscious observer to disconnect from the present, thus generating the PAST and the FUTURE. That is to say - without the senses, there is no movement in space; without literal thoughts, there is no movement in time.

6)     We exist as physical beings only in the illusory reality Eve (our SUBCONSCIOUS MIND) projects to Adam (the SELF-CONSCIOUS mind).
Eve is the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND (or “unconscious mind”). She exists in a vibrational metaphysical reality that is not limited by the linearity of time, to which we have no access to while we are alive within the illusion. We only experience the holographic projection she transmits to Adam – the physical vessel we “live” in. This illusory sense of reality – which exists only in the present – is what we perceive to be the CONSCIOUS MIND. Adam, on the other hand, allows us to be SELF-CONSCIOUS by traveling in time. It is the human ability to create words using literal language that allows us to create the illusion of the SELF. Adam IS the Self that is aware of It-Self

7)     The cosmos, thus, is made of two simultaneous realities - a physical reality and a metaphysical one. The physical reality is but a reflection of the metaphysical reality, and not the other way around. Similarly, the brain is an illusory reflection the mind and not the other way around (which accounts to its plastic nature). The objective physical reality is a collective subconscious metaphor of the collective metaphysical reality. The Subjective reality is an individuated subconscious metaphor of the unique manner we experience metaphysical reality.

8)     Time is the hidden axis creating the vast spectrum of conscious experience. All living beings differ by a unique time signature that allows them to experience the present moment over time in an infinitely unique way. The micro-variants in this time-signature spectrum account for all differences in the plethora of human experience of reality. This unique time signature is our metaphysical fingerprint – it serves as a fixed, individualized constant that dictates the unique abilities, limitations and superpowers of our mind.

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