Article ID: CRIORG.article.003
v3.0, final version (post scribe)
Published: Sunday, May 15th 2022
Batat, Erez

Article 003: The Bi-Polar Spectrum of the Human Mind
A Practical Example of Using the Astrometaphysical Scientific Method


This article is an example for the use of the astrometaphysical scientific method. It lists astrometaphysical observations, hypotheses and experiments that led us at to the inevitable conclusion that the plethora of human mental experience (specifically the imagination) is reflection of a polarized spectrum. A corresponding theory is listed as well[1].

The observation looks at the polarizing effect cannabis has on the human spectrum of sight/hearing, and attempts to investigate if the same polarized spectrum exists within the imagination (the mental sight/hearing). It then hypothesizes the existence of mental deafness, and lists an experiment that confirms its existence. An additional hypothesis is then added – that cannabis can impact congenital mental deafness/blindness, and an additional experiment to test this hypothesis. A conclusion is drawn that mental deafness and blindness are interlinked – when one becomes more acute the other becomes duller, and vice versa. A theory is then created – the human mind is polarized; each polarity functions differently as well as have a different function.

The article is also a demonstration of how the Astrometaphysical Scientific Method is used (this method is listed in article 002 -

[1]   A thought experiment validating this theory can be found in CRIORG article 004 articles are usually free; we believe that it is the birthright of every human to know how the human mind operates. To download all 10 articles included in Consciousness Polarization Theory as one file, click here.