Article ID: CRIORG.article.001
v3.0, final version (post scribe)
Published: Sunday, May 15th 2022
Batat, Erez

Article 001: A Cosmic Red Pill
The Case for the Science of Astrometaphysics

Abstract: This is the first article out of 10 published in May 2022, which together describe Consciousness Polarization Theory. This initial article is an open letter from consciousness researcher Erez Batat to the academic scientific community and fellow autodidact researchers. In it, Batat outlines the case for the science of astrometaphysics, why it deserves its own branch of research, and why our team at chose this specific name. Batat demonstrates the value of astrometaphysics by analogy, comparing it to “the science behind the software code of the universe”. He then lists possible practical uses for this knowledge in the areas of mental health, personal development, and artificial intelligence, to name a few. Batat also outlines some of the philosophical principles of, as well as practical information for those who wish to collaborate with us in pursuit of this knowledge. articles are usually free; we believe that it is the birthright of every human to know how the human mind operates. To download all 10 articles included in Consciousness Polarization Theory as one file, click here.